You’ve had your surgery and want to return back to your usual activities, however your body tells you, “Not so fast!” It takes some time to recover after surgery, which is why it is important to receive Physical Therapy to return to prior level of function.
How rehabilitation helps you recover:
- Regain full range of motion in the affected area
- Improve muscular strength
- Regain stability and balance
- Reduce pain and teach pain management strategies
- Teach you to perform activities of daily living such as dressing, showering, walking
- Return to sport
It is important to understand that rehabilitation is a long process. Although surgery is performed in a few hours, post-op rehabilitation often takes months, potentially a full year for return to sport. This is why it is important that the patient is committed to the whole process. We will assist you in progressive rehabilitation, meaning that the workload will safely increase following surgical protocol until full recovery is met. If know you will be having surgery, reach out today and let’s set up a plan!